Thursday, October 27, 2016

A light - Short Poem

A little sunshine in the room.
What harm can it do?
Let the light wash away.
The fear of a nights face.
A little light.
Is all that it takes for me,
To dispel these thoughts that grab and cripple me.

In the light.
Death doesn't feel so appealing.
With a little light.
Finally begin the healing.


Always watching - Picture

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Short stanza inspired by the Struma disaster(hope to add more)


Swim to the north. A little to the east.
Mind the torpedo. And the submarine.
Turn your head around. See the other Jews sink.
Struggling to stay afloat. Watch the drowning of the steel.
Do you remember how it felt still?


Monday, October 3, 2016


Take me as I am. Show me my mistakes.
Let me try to learn. Make it out of last place.
Have no interests anymore. No ambitions and no pull.
Nobody to call me. Nobody to wait up for.

No one knows. What it's like to be this alone.
With my feet always on. I'm living in prone.

Where will I go? When I've been betrayed.
On this blue planet, where I was supposedly made.
I'd like to fly away. Land on Mars.
The red planet couldn't possibly be worse than the hate I've felt in Earths arms.

No one knows, what it's like to be this alone.
With my feet always on. I'm living in prone.


Amos isn't home

Dancin' Hully